Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese acupuncture is an ancient healing system originating in China nearly 5000 years ago. Only recently, in the last 50 years or so has acupuncture been “discovered” by western society and in the past 10 years is becoming part of mainstream health care.Acupuncture is a holistic system of healing. This means that the entire body, mind and spirit of the person being treated is assessed and considered when diagnosing and determining the appropriate treatment. This holistic approach is not only very effective for the ailment but it is also gentle to the other parts of the body with no harmful “side effects”. In contrast, some more “modern” methods of heath care and treatment may be useful for the area of the body being treated but those procedures and medications often impact other body systems causing additional ailments and diseases.
Acupuncturists in BC attend school full time for a minimum of 3 years, not including a 2 year undergraduate entrance requirement. Their training involves an in depth education in all aspects of Chinese medicine including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese massage, Chinese dietary therapy and other treatments such as cupping and moxabustion. In addition, acupuncturists in BC are also educated in modern western anatomy, physiology, pathology and pharmacology .Acupuncturists in BC must not only attend an accredited teaching institution but must also pass rigorous licensing exams in order to practice acupuncture legally-similar to licensing for other health care professional such as doctors, dentists, chiropractors, physiotherapists and registered massage therapists so that they may legally practice their own disciplines.
The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is the world leader and advisor for world health issues such as disease and treatment. Through extensive clinical trials W.H.O. has long recognized and endorsed acupuncture as an effective health care option, listing over 75 diseases and conditions successfully treated with acupuncture.
Central to acupuncture theory is the ancient concept of Yin and Yang and “Qi”. Qi is a Chinese name for energy found in the body. Yin and Yang are opposites and are represented by feminine and masculine, day and night, hot and cold etc. Chinese medicine recognizes disease by the imbalance of Yin and Yang and pathologies regarding Qi such as stagnation and deficiency.
Your skilled acupuncturist will use traditional Chinese diagnostic skills of pulse taking and tongue reading to determine the root of your health concern and to find a suitable treatment plan. Many different “point combinations” may be used to treat a health problem depending on the “differential diagnosis” found by your acupuncturist.
People often ask how many treatments they will need to relieve their health problem. The short answer is that the more superficial or acute the problem is the quicker and easier it is to treat and the more long term and chronic a health problem is, the longer it may take to treat. Often people come for acupuncture treatment for a health problem that they have “tried everything else for”. This is a challenge for the acupuncturist and even then, many chronic and long term problems can be relieved. The most important thing for patients to remember is that body, mind and spirit are inseparable aspects of humans and all three contribute to both disease and health, therefore, a holistic approach will do more than just heal a person’s body.
Finally, we believe that it is never too late to feel better and look better and to have a better life with more meaning and enjoyment.
"We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us
It’s not just in some of us, it is in everyone!"
-Marianne Williamson
Traditional Chinese acupuncture is an ancient healing system originating in China nearly 5000 years ago. Only recently, in the last 50 years or so has acupuncture been “discovered” by western society and in the past 10 years is becoming part of mainstream health care.Acupuncture is a holistic system of healing. This means that the entire body, mind and spirit of the person being treated is assessed and considered when diagnosing and determining the appropriate treatment. This holistic approach is not only very effective for the ailment but it is also gentle to the other parts of the body with no harmful “side effects”. In contrast, some more “modern” methods of heath care and treatment may be useful for the area of the body being treated but those procedures and medications often impact other body systems causing additional ailments and diseases.
Acupuncturists in BC attend school full time for a minimum of 3 years, not including a 2 year undergraduate entrance requirement. Their training involves an in depth education in all aspects of Chinese medicine including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese massage, Chinese dietary therapy and other treatments such as cupping and moxabustion. In addition, acupuncturists in BC are also educated in modern western anatomy, physiology, pathology and pharmacology .Acupuncturists in BC must not only attend an accredited teaching institution but must also pass rigorous licensing exams in order to practice acupuncture legally-similar to licensing for other health care professional such as doctors, dentists, chiropractors, physiotherapists and registered massage therapists so that they may legally practice their own disciplines.
The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is the world leader and advisor for world health issues such as disease and treatment. Through extensive clinical trials W.H.O. has long recognized and endorsed acupuncture as an effective health care option, listing over 75 diseases and conditions successfully treated with acupuncture.
Central to acupuncture theory is the ancient concept of Yin and Yang and “Qi”. Qi is a Chinese name for energy found in the body. Yin and Yang are opposites and are represented by feminine and masculine, day and night, hot and cold etc. Chinese medicine recognizes disease by the imbalance of Yin and Yang and pathologies regarding Qi such as stagnation and deficiency.
Your skilled acupuncturist will use traditional Chinese diagnostic skills of pulse taking and tongue reading to determine the root of your health concern and to find a suitable treatment plan. Many different “point combinations” may be used to treat a health problem depending on the “differential diagnosis” found by your acupuncturist.
People often ask how many treatments they will need to relieve their health problem. The short answer is that the more superficial or acute the problem is the quicker and easier it is to treat and the more long term and chronic a health problem is, the longer it may take to treat. Often people come for acupuncture treatment for a health problem that they have “tried everything else for”. This is a challenge for the acupuncturist and even then, many chronic and long term problems can be relieved. The most important thing for patients to remember is that body, mind and spirit are inseparable aspects of humans and all three contribute to both disease and health, therefore, a holistic approach will do more than just heal a person’s body.
Finally, we believe that it is never too late to feel better and look better and to have a better life with more meaning and enjoyment.
"We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us
It’s not just in some of us, it is in everyone!"
-Marianne Williamson

Clinical Counselling for Stress, Trauma, Addictions with an Option for Acupuncture During Your Counselling Session
SheRebekah has a depth and empathy you will notice right away when you meet her and sit down to talk. Rebekah has a depth and empathy you will notice right away when you meet her and sit down to talk. With Rebekah's knowlege and skill in acupuncture and East Asian medicine, you will find counselling sessions with her deep and profound medicine for your heart and soul.
Working with a skilled practitioner like Rebekah can bring awareness and breakthrough for emotional, mental and even sometimes physical barriers to well-being. Drawing from a broad range of therapeutic modalities, Rebekah guides clients to befriend themselves and develop long lasting stability and resilience. Clients can choose to add auricular acupuncture to their counselling session, which can be very helpful for calming an over activated nervous system. For this, several tiny needles are inserted into each outer ear. See the description of auricular acupuncture below for more information
SheRebekah has a depth and empathy you will notice right away when you meet her and sit down to talk. Rebekah has a depth and empathy you will notice right away when you meet her and sit down to talk. With Rebekah's knowlege and skill in acupuncture and East Asian medicine, you will find counselling sessions with her deep and profound medicine for your heart and soul.
Working with a skilled practitioner like Rebekah can bring awareness and breakthrough for emotional, mental and even sometimes physical barriers to well-being. Drawing from a broad range of therapeutic modalities, Rebekah guides clients to befriend themselves and develop long lasting stability and resilience. Clients can choose to add auricular acupuncture to their counselling session, which can be very helpful for calming an over activated nervous system. For this, several tiny needles are inserted into each outer ear. See the description of auricular acupuncture below for more information

Auricular Acupuncture
Auricular or Ear Acupuncture is part of the ancient art of acupuncture and a complete system in and of itself. Three thousand years ago a text called The Yellow Emperors Classic details how the shape of the ear can be used to refer to the shape of the human body (in the fetal position, head down) and therefore, the organs, limbs, spine and nervous system. As in meridian acupuncture, when the correct point is stimulated it causes a cascade of responses in the body to facilitate healing.
One of the first clinical trials in the United States using auricular acupuncture was for severe heroin addiction in New York. In 1974 Dr. Michael O. Smith, director of the Detox Program at Lincoln Memorial Hospital in the Bronx New York supervised a pilot project for the use of auricular acupuncture in the heroin addiction/Methadone program there. Participants had daily ear acupuncture treatments, lasting 45 minutes in a group setting and were observed for their behavior in relation to cravings for heroin and withdrawal symptoms.
The project continued for the next 4 years at Lincoln Hospital. During that time several hundred patients on the Methadone maintenance program were detoxified using gradual tapered doses of both methadone and auricular acupuncture. Eventually auricular acupuncture was found to be so effective for heroin addiction and withdrawal that it replaced methadone in the program, which itself is a very addictive drug. This was the beginning of what is now known as “harm reduction” addictions treatment.
Many other substance use disorders including addiction to barbiturates, cocaine, methamphetamines and alcohol are also successfully treated with auricular acupuncture and it is being used extensively in the prison system in both the U.S. and Canada for inmates with addictions problems. There are more than two thousand NADA programs operating in over forty countries world wide and NADA programs continue to grow because of the evidence-based efficacy of its use.
I addition to drug and alcohol harm reduction and treatment for post traumatic stress, cigarette smoking is also treated with auricular acupuncture and with counselling therapy there is real hope to those who are addicted to cigarettes.
It is my hope that auricular acupuncture will become more mainstream and can be included as part of school programs for youth at risk.
Auricular acupuncture is used extensively for other ailments and painful conditions alone or as an adjunct treatment with meridian acupuncture on the body. It is also used for some patients during counselling sessions if requested, to help facilitate nervous system relaxation.
Auricular or Ear Acupuncture is part of the ancient art of acupuncture and a complete system in and of itself. Three thousand years ago a text called The Yellow Emperors Classic details how the shape of the ear can be used to refer to the shape of the human body (in the fetal position, head down) and therefore, the organs, limbs, spine and nervous system. As in meridian acupuncture, when the correct point is stimulated it causes a cascade of responses in the body to facilitate healing.
One of the first clinical trials in the United States using auricular acupuncture was for severe heroin addiction in New York. In 1974 Dr. Michael O. Smith, director of the Detox Program at Lincoln Memorial Hospital in the Bronx New York supervised a pilot project for the use of auricular acupuncture in the heroin addiction/Methadone program there. Participants had daily ear acupuncture treatments, lasting 45 minutes in a group setting and were observed for their behavior in relation to cravings for heroin and withdrawal symptoms.
The project continued for the next 4 years at Lincoln Hospital. During that time several hundred patients on the Methadone maintenance program were detoxified using gradual tapered doses of both methadone and auricular acupuncture. Eventually auricular acupuncture was found to be so effective for heroin addiction and withdrawal that it replaced methadone in the program, which itself is a very addictive drug. This was the beginning of what is now known as “harm reduction” addictions treatment.
Many other substance use disorders including addiction to barbiturates, cocaine, methamphetamines and alcohol are also successfully treated with auricular acupuncture and it is being used extensively in the prison system in both the U.S. and Canada for inmates with addictions problems. There are more than two thousand NADA programs operating in over forty countries world wide and NADA programs continue to grow because of the evidence-based efficacy of its use.
I addition to drug and alcohol harm reduction and treatment for post traumatic stress, cigarette smoking is also treated with auricular acupuncture and with counselling therapy there is real hope to those who are addicted to cigarettes.
It is my hope that auricular acupuncture will become more mainstream and can be included as part of school programs for youth at risk.
Auricular acupuncture is used extensively for other ailments and painful conditions alone or as an adjunct treatment with meridian acupuncture on the body. It is also used for some patients during counselling sessions if requested, to help facilitate nervous system relaxation.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used for over 5000 years to treat a wide range of conditions. The Chinese have known that beauty comes from the inside and as early as the Sung Dynasty (960AD-1270AD) acupuncture practices have been employed for the Empress and the court concubines.
Having proven itself with billions of people, acupuncture has survived the test of time.
The use of acupuncture in cosmetology, especially in preventing and reducing wrinkles has already attracted a lot of attention in Japan, Hong Kong and Sweden. The effectiveness of acupuncture is due to its direct manipulation of the body?s energy system - balancing, removing blockages or adding energy when necessary. A 1996 report in the International Journal or Clinical Acupuncture reported that among 300 cases treated with Facial Acupuncture, 90% had marked effects with one course of treatment.
When you receive a Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatment you are in for a real treat! First your acupuncturist will consult with you to determine what concerns you have regarding your facial appearance. Then with Chinese diagnostics she will devise a customized treatment plan to not only enhance and rejuvenate your skin and facial tone but also to treat your entire system, improving health and vitality.
The treatment begins with gentle cleansing with deliciously scented herbal lotions and hot towels. Next fine needles are inserted into specific facial areas and left in place for 20 to 30 minutes while you rest and float away listening to soothing music. When the needles are removed you will receive a hydrating and smoothing galvanic spa treatment with aloe and other botanicals, then a stimulating facial massage, with antioxidant essential oils and special gua sha jade board toning and rolling. Finally, more hot towels, tonifying herbal hydrosols and secret Chinese facial cream for a pearly, smooth complexion.
You will truly feel pampered and refreshed and this is a spa treatment with results that last! Go home and look in the mirror and see how time has been erased from your face with just one treatment!
Generally a course of treatments consists of 12 sessions of about 45 minutes each. The effects are most noticeable and lasting on about the 7th session. Each person responds differently but looking 5 to 10 years younger is common! Occasional maintenance sessions can prolong results for another 5 to 10 years.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is an excellent alternative to cosmetic surgery. Not only is it much less costly, it also has no dangerous side effects or risks and can also help to treat other conditions at the same time.
Having proven itself with billions of people, acupuncture has survived the test of time.
The use of acupuncture in cosmetology, especially in preventing and reducing wrinkles has already attracted a lot of attention in Japan, Hong Kong and Sweden. The effectiveness of acupuncture is due to its direct manipulation of the body?s energy system - balancing, removing blockages or adding energy when necessary. A 1996 report in the International Journal or Clinical Acupuncture reported that among 300 cases treated with Facial Acupuncture, 90% had marked effects with one course of treatment.
When you receive a Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatment you are in for a real treat! First your acupuncturist will consult with you to determine what concerns you have regarding your facial appearance. Then with Chinese diagnostics she will devise a customized treatment plan to not only enhance and rejuvenate your skin and facial tone but also to treat your entire system, improving health and vitality.
The treatment begins with gentle cleansing with deliciously scented herbal lotions and hot towels. Next fine needles are inserted into specific facial areas and left in place for 20 to 30 minutes while you rest and float away listening to soothing music. When the needles are removed you will receive a hydrating and smoothing galvanic spa treatment with aloe and other botanicals, then a stimulating facial massage, with antioxidant essential oils and special gua sha jade board toning and rolling. Finally, more hot towels, tonifying herbal hydrosols and secret Chinese facial cream for a pearly, smooth complexion.
You will truly feel pampered and refreshed and this is a spa treatment with results that last! Go home and look in the mirror and see how time has been erased from your face with just one treatment!
Generally a course of treatments consists of 12 sessions of about 45 minutes each. The effects are most noticeable and lasting on about the 7th session. Each person responds differently but looking 5 to 10 years younger is common! Occasional maintenance sessions can prolong results for another 5 to 10 years.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is an excellent alternative to cosmetic surgery. Not only is it much less costly, it also has no dangerous side effects or risks and can also help to treat other conditions at the same time.
Cupping Therapy

Cupping is an ancient therapy to relieve tension in muscles, congestion in organs and to increase circulation and lymph flow.
Glass, plastic and more recently, silicone cups are used on the skin with oil to make them slide for sliding cupping. This therapy is very useful and effective for musculo/skeletal injuries and pulls the fascia away from the muscle to ease pain.
Cupping is not painful, in fact, most people say it is very pleasant, like massage. Your acupuncturist will use cupping for various types of pain complaints. You will love it!
Glass, plastic and more recently, silicone cups are used on the skin with oil to make them slide for sliding cupping. This therapy is very useful and effective for musculo/skeletal injuries and pulls the fascia away from the muscle to ease pain.
Cupping is not painful, in fact, most people say it is very pleasant, like massage. Your acupuncturist will use cupping for various types of pain complaints. You will love it!
Moxabustion Therapy

Moxabustion therapy is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. Moxibustion has been used throughout Asia for thousands of years. The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of traditional Chinese medicine, is to warm meridians, to help dry dampness and strengthen the immune system.
Moxa can be done either directly with piles of mugwort on the skin, or indirectly, as in this photo, where a stick of burning herb is held over areas until they are warm and slightly red.
Moxabustion is wonderfully comforting and is very useful and good for health, especially during the cold and wet months of winter. This valuable therapy has been used for thousands of years and modern clinical trials reveal its ability to increase leukocyte counts in the blood, boosting the body's immune response. Ask your acupuncturists about it and whether this great part of Chinese medicine is something that would be good for you.